Subtitled, "A Sitting Judge Breaks The Code of Silence To Expose The Liberal Judicial Assault"
This book was one of the scariest books I've ever read. It terrifies me to know that someone with the legal power to cause so many people harm, thinks so much like a twelfth century witch hunter. Very scary indeed.
"Read! Read! Read! And never stop until you discover the knowledge of the Universe." - Marcus Garvey
Magic and Mystery in Tibet - by: Alexandra David-Neel (1932, 2014)
This is one of those rare books that exposes another culture in a way that really opens it up an lets the reader glimpse for themselves what...
This is one of those rare books that exposes another culture in a way that really opens it up an lets the reader glimpse for themselves what...
Another valuable gift from much more than a friend that I must also surrender due to the five-book-limit for BOP prisoners regardless ...
"The true story of the Steven Stayner abduction case." I never heard about this case until I saw a documentary about it on 20/2...