December 23, 2012

I Am A Strange Loop - by: Douglas Hofstadter (2007)

By the author of Gödel, Escher, Bach (the Pulitzer Prize Winner), this book claims that consciousness is no more than "a hallucination perceived by a hallucination" (p. 293). Or, as Edgar Allen Poe puts it, "a dream within a dream". But, surprizingly Hofstadter makes no reference to Poe's famous poem even though the poem itself is a succinct expression of everything this book expounds on (i.e. an ultimately meaningless reality). My answer to Poe's poem, "What Poe Didn't Know", answers this book as well as it does Poe's poetic inquery - and it does so in a way that exploits Hofstadter's own methodology of symbolic feedback (loops) of analogy.

Magic and Mystery in Tibet - by: Alexandra David-Neel (1932, 2014)

This is one of those rare books that exposes another culture in a way that really opens it up an lets the reader glimpse for themselves what...