September 18, 2015

The Cider House Rules – by: John Irving

A friend of mine sent me this book as a gift, knowing how much I enjoy reading an intelligently written story. I was familiar, of course, with Irving, and had read and enjoyed at least a couple of his books before (i.e. The World According To Garp, and The Hotel New Hampshire – both excellent stories). Irving is a good storyteller, and anyone interested in the art of telling a good story would be well advised to read his books to see how it should be done. And since so many people have been suggesting to me lately that I should write a «story», I was glad for Irving's example of how it should be done.

Magic and Mystery in Tibet - by: Alexandra David-Neel (1932, 2014)

This is one of those rare books that exposes another culture in a way that really opens it up an lets the reader glimpse for themselves what...